2014 / participation in the mini-festival Re:VOX, voice and music at the espacechallens13, with Gerald Perera, double bass and Arthur Besson, guitar. Reading of "affût", artist's book, art&fiction 2010
2013 / Reading of extracts of his novel "les laids", with Diego Marion, saxophonist, theater 2.21, in Lausanne.
2011 / Participation in the show "Despotes éclairés", theater 2.21, in Lausanne.
2009 / Scenography of "Demain les Chats" by the collective nunc théâtre, Grange de Dorigny.
2008 / Scenography of "Violette sur la Terre" by the collective nunc théâtre, theater 2.21, in Lausanne.
Scenography of "La Vie de Martin" by the collectif nunc théâtre, Grange de Dorigny.

2007 / Scenography of "L'Eneide d'après Virgile" by the collective nunc théâtre, Grange de Dorigny.
2006 / Scenography of "Noce" by the collective nunc théâtre, Grange de Dorigny.
2005 / Scenography of the shows "Trois très singuliers trépas", theater 2.21, Lausanne, and "Voyage au centre de la tête", Grange of Dorigny, by the collective nunc théâtre.
2004 / Scenography of the show "La Controverse de Valladolid" by the collective nunc théâtre, theater 2.21, in Lausanne.
2003 / Scenography of the show "l’hirondelle vole à la rapidité du zèbre (…)" By the collective nunc théâtre, theater 2.21, in Lausanne.
Scenography of the show "Orange Bleue" dir. B.Knobil, Fleurier.
2002 / Scenography of the show "Dieu, Richard, Job et nous" by the collective nunc théâtre, theater 2.21, in Lausanne.
2000 / Scenography and play in the show "Les Mites", of Dominique Hauser, dir. B. Knobil, in 2.21, Lausanne.
1999 / Visual intervention on the show "Sur ça", ms Andrea Novicov, Grange de Dorigny and Grütli, Geneva. Scenography of "La Vénus des Lavabos" , m.s. Gianni Schneider, Grange of Dorigny.
1998 / Show "Gulliver" with the Quintet Popolien and Dominique Bianchi, back projections and Jazz.
1996 / Scenography on "les Jours de Suie", musical show by the Duo Matô, theater 2.21, Lausanne.